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This experiential training offers you a thorough grounding in the diverse elements of the Person Centred Expressive Therapy model (PCEAT) and requires attendance on an introductory weekend + 3 successive themed workshopsCPD certificates will be awarded on completion of the level one. 

Each  series will run over three week-ends as follows:  - 

21-22 October 2023        Nature and Nurture: 

In this opening workshop we will use a range of media, including family photos and materials gleaned from the natural world as well as a rich stock of creative materials, to explore our unique heritage and how it has shaped us into who we are today.

25-26 November 2023     Wisdom of the Body:

We will use a range of media again in this workshop, but with a focus on expressive movement to explore our relationship with our physical body and to learn what deeper insights it may have to offer us, when we can tune into it.

23-24 March 2024             Wave Goodbye and Say Hello:

In this ending weekend we will be using active imagination and tissue paper collage processes as well as story-telling to review and create meaning from our personal journeys through the whole level one course as we prepare to move on in our lives with the insights gained. 

£450 for three weekends - payment plan by instalment available if required.


Autumn 2012 280
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